Gastkünstler*innen AIR 2023
Vorstellung der Gastkünstler*innen, die von unseren internationalen Partnern für einen Aufenthalt in Salzburg 2023 ausgewählt wurden.Elio Vanzo
Geb. 1962 in Cavalese / Provinz Trient.
Staatliches Kunstinstitut in Pozza di Fassa
Kunstschule in Verona
Diplomabschluss Akademie der Schönen Künste Brera in Mailand.
Lebt und arbeitet in Cavalese, wo er das Städtische Museum für zeit-genössische Kunst leitet.
Für seinen Aufenthalt in Salzburg plant er, sich dem Zeichnen in Pastell und Tusche zu widmen, auch wenn sein künstlerisches Schaffen in der Holzbildhauerei liegt.

2018, Zirbenholz, 190 x 120 x 35 cm, Parco d´Arte RESPIRARTE, A Alpe di Pampeago
„Il mio linguaggio espressivo è quello della scultura in legno, e non sarà possibile portare l'attrezzatura necessaria presso l'alloggio che mi è stato destinato. Quindi mi potrò dedicare al disegno, in particolare a pastello e china, e vorrei creare un intero libro d'artista con le suggestioni date dalla vostra bellissima città.
Ho sempre considerato le nostre Alpi come un punto di incontro e contatto tra il mondo del Mediterraneo e quello Nordico. Cavalese, e la mia valle, si avvicinano verso il sud delle Alpi alla cultura mediterranea.
Salisburgo invece, più in alto, alla cultura nordica. Il mio lavoro è da sempre influenzato da questo affascinante incontro, dalla sua dialettica che mi coinvolge e che cerco di risolvere attraverso l'espressione artistica.“
Csilla Bartus

exhibition detail from 'At the edge of the world' exhibiiton at Art Encounters Foundation, 2022
Csilla Bartus was born 1996 in Romania. Lives in Budapest and works both in Romania and in Hungary. Graduated from the University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca from the Faculty of fine arts, graphic department with a minor in psychopedagogy. Meanwhile she gathered some skills in digital art and graphic design, and now opened more for the idea of spatial design and installations.
„Interdisciplinarity and experiments are the core of her rhizomatic processes. Has a big fascination on how everything is interrelated and how different parts can resonate, searching for anchor points to connect them in ways to reveal, to preserve, and to create a dialogue, or a story. She mainly observes and explores what it means to be human and/or non-human in the _andscapes, a term usedby her to summarise the multitude of scapes that are well known, speculative and yet unknown for us.
Meaning the principal sources for her poetic - techno - (pseudo)scientific works. Observing and critically reflecting on the tension between technology, nature and humans.
Everyday life happenings, random associations and constellation are also used as raw materials in her works. Intimacy is explored in the contexts of personal memories in relation to anything that surrounds her.“
Dean Hamer

Filmstill short animated film
born 1996
Dean Hamer is an animator, comic artist and illustrator from Croatia.
He studied animation and new media at Zagreb's Academy of Fine Arts.
A recent Erasmus plus intern who assisted the Ink and Paint, Storyboard, Background and Clean up teams at Irish Studio Meala.
Currently seeking employment and conducting research for the next animated project.
2018 – 2021 Animated film, Master study , Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb
2015 – 2018 Animated film and new media, Bachelor study , Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb
2011 – 2015 Graphic Design School of Applied Arts and Design, Pula
Ulrike Kampmann

Tempera, Grafit auf Holz, 81x46 cm, 2022
geb. 1974
Lebt und arbeitet in Dresden
1995 – 2003 Studium an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden / Malerei/ Grafik, Prof. Elke Hopfe/ Prof. Siegfried Klotz
Übergreifendes Künstlerisches Arbeiten, Prof. Ulrike Grossarth
2001 Diplom
bis 2003 Meisterschülerstudium
ab 2003 selbstständig
Ausstellungen/ Beteiligungen in Deutschland, Österreich, Norwegen, Belgien, Schweiz und Schweden
Die Künstlerin will sich während ihres Aufenthalts in Salzburg auf Spurensuche nach Thomas Bernhard und Stefan Zweig begeben, die ihre Arbeit geprägt haben.
Sie möchte mit Sprachstrukturen experimentieren und den Schreibrhythmus Thomas Bernhards malerisch umzusetzen.
Stefan Zweig ist der andere literarische Pol ihres Fokus und steht für das Vorhaben, den Menschen in Salzburg zu begegnen und sich mit ihnen v.a. künstlerisch auszutauschen.
Martina Marini

Martina Marini ist in Meran geboren und studierte Zeitgenössischen Tanz, Choreografie, Tanztheater und Tanzpädagogik in Bologna und Rom.
Zeitgleich besuchte sie an der „Accademia di Belle Arti“ in Bologna die Fächer Malerei, Fotografie, Bühnenbild und Kostümentwurf und schloß 1994 ihr Kunststudium ab.
Von 1996 bis 2004 war sie Mitglied der professionellen Tanzkompagnie „Chorea“ in Bologna unter der Leitung von Nicoletta Sacco
Seit 2005 wieder in Meran, arbeitet sie mit Theater in der Klemme, Zeittheater, Teatro Pratiko, Idea-Tanztheaterperformance, Phänomena und Fabrik Azzurro als Darstellerin oder Choreografin.
Im Jahre 2006 gründet sie zusammen mit der Tanzkooperative Südtirol das Tanztheaterfestival ALPSMOVE. Für Eigenproduktionen des Festivals arbeitet sie mit den Choreographen Rhys Martin und Arthur Rosenfeld (Pina Bausch).
2007 gründet sie den Kulturverein Tanzschmiede /Fucinadanza, aus welchem 2014 die professionelle Gruppe MartinaMariniDanceTheater hervorgeht.
2022 ist sie leitende Choreografin bei der Eigenproduktion „Radix“ des Tanzthetaerfestivals ALPSMOVE.
Seit vielen Jahren unterrichtet sie zeitgenössischen Tanz, Kreativen Tanz, Tanztheater und Malerei in Bologna, Bozen und Meran.
Hans-Peter Schütt

Hans-Peter Schütt is a visual artist whose body of work consists of multiple different approaches.
Schütt works on all kinds of surfaces beside canvas and paper; such as vinyl records, used skateboards and walls and other surfaces in the city. His work has a large variation in size; from small stickers to puzzles, used skateboards, vinyl records and all the way up to tens of square meters of murals.
Schütt has studied art in The University of Art and Design in Helsinki (current Aalto University).
He graduated 2005 with Master of Arts degree. Within the years of study he had an exchange period in Statens Hantverk og Kunstindustri Skola in Oslo, Norway, at the department of printmaking.
After graduation Schütt has been active in the field of art with exhibitions, fairs, festivals and public art as well as working in different artist associations and latest within Finnish government in the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
Leslie Barlow

oil, pastel, acrylic on panel, 60 x 40 inches, 2022
born 1989
2016 Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, MN, MFA, Drawing & Painting
2011 University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI BFA, emphasis in Painting
Business Administration Minor University Honors Program Graduate & Magna Cum Laude
Several solo and group exhibitions since 2014
For upcoming projects Leslie Barlow wants to use the time in Salzburg to unpack a recent trip to the land her family survived. 2022 she gathered photos and ephemera from Dyer, Tenesse where a few generations back her family escaped from the north, the same land her family was enslaved on. She wants to make drawings that explore her ancestral connection to this place as well as the impact of the ”Great Migration” and the complexities of a mixed heritage.
The time in Salzburg, focusing on the work will be used to prepare and come back to Minnesota with a new perspective and works on paper completed. Furthermore she wants to explore Salzburg and its art life and to connect with other artists.
Mary Newton

Oil on Canvas, 60'' x 48''
Mary Newton received her MFA at the University of Cincinnati.
Her work has been included in museum and gallery exhibitions throughout the U.S. and Europe.
In 2022 she exhibited in London as a finalist for the London Sunny Art Prize. Her work has been published in New American Paintings, The Washington Post and other publications.
She is the recipient of two NEA grants as well as a Great Meadows Grant.
„While in residency at Kunstlerhaus, I plan to do a series of paintings of cakes and paintings made in the city of Salzburg.
These paintings will be inspired by observation but will also be expressionistic in nature.“
Birk Alison Öhrlund

Born 1995 in Stockholm
Currently living in Gothenburg
2015-2017 - Film production, Katrinebergs Folkhögskola
2018-2020, Scriptwriting for Film- and Television, Dalarna University
2020-2022, Film- and Television Production, Dalarna University (Bachelors Degree)
2022-2024, Masters program in Audiovisual Studies, Dalarna University
Artist statement:
”I'm a strong believer in that everything we do as humans, inspire us as artists. I am also a bartender and mixologist with five years of experience - something that also inspires my creative work.
My artforms are a wide variety of filmmaking, writing, photography, painting and miniature building - often around themes of identity, social expectations and issues, being queer, growing up and being human. I am currently studying for my masters degree thesis in Audiovisual Studies where I mainly do research on character development, cinematic frameworks and audiovisual impact.
For my stay in Salzburg, I have a plan and challenge for myself to create a small film every week of a different theme or genre, while also developing a longer script for a project further on. The goal is to be inspired an incorporate something from my time in Salzburg into every project.”
Liv Hui Laam Tsim

2020, credit by Liv TSIM, LAM Siu Ying & FUNG Wing Lam
Received her bachelor’s training at Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and will finish her MA Biodesign course in Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of Arts, London in 2023.
Her works were exhibited in several international exhibitions, including The 1st Hong Kong-ShenZhen Design Biennale.
Liv Tsim’s practice emphasizes biotic material, bio-ethics, and environmental justice. She is fond of exploring the inner connections and challenges between multi-species and holistic ecosystems.
In response to the exploitation and degradation of the natural world in the Anthropocene, she believes activism could be initiated and empowered by artwork and art movements.
As a part of the ecosystem, there is no way we could be exceptional from the ecological chaos. Inspired by various biological morphology, sociology, and philosophy, she has been transferring their characteristics into playful and critical creations, inviting the audience to engage in the co-learning experience.
The jury recommends Liv Hui Laam Tsim for the MediaART Salzburg residency.
Her proposal Soo-Chew convinced the jury with its cutting edge artistic research based on a combination of biological and technological components.
The jury is looking forward to seeing the project developed further in Salzburg.
Amy Schissel

62' x 55', acrylic and ink on canvas; Installation view
Amy Schissel is a Canadian artist, presently based in Miami FL. She obtained her BFA and MFA (2009) from the University of Ottawa.
In 2013 she received Ottawa’s Royal Bank of Canada Emerging Artist Award.
Recent national and international exhibitions include among others a solo project in the NYC ARMORY SHOW's curated 'FOCUS' section (Jamillah James, curator ICA, LA) with Patrick Mikhail Gallery.
I propose to build ‘New World Order’, a paper based, site-specific installation, in response to Periscope’s submission call.
"Amy Schissel (Miami, USA) erarbeitet während ihres Aufenthaltes in Salzburg eine raumbezogene Installation, bestehend aus mitgebrachten Papierarbeiten und Wandmalereien. In der Dichte der graphischen Elemente tun sich Assoziationen zu Kosmos und Welt auf, damit verbunden
können Fragen nach unserem Verhältnis zu Welt und Weltordnung thematisiert werden.
Die Arbeit von Amy Schissel trifft in ihrem Raumbezug ein Grundmotiv des periscope:Projektraumes und in ihrer Inhaltlichkeit das Jahresthema „Umwelt“. Die Einladung der amerikanischen Künstlerin stellt einen Mehrwert für alle im periscope ausstellenden Künstler*innen und die Salzburger Szene dar."